Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"...it's forgiveness!" Carrie Bradshaw-Sex and the City, the Movie

I can't even count the number of times I've watched this movie (one of my favorite feel good flicks) and I always anticipate the scene with Carrie and Miranda in the cab. Miranda is asking for Carrie's forgiveness for something that happened only a few days before but won't forgive her husband of something that took place months ago. Carrie had to quickly put things into perspective for Miranda. 

TRUTH 101~There are NO levels of forgiveness. NO offense is greater than the other in the eyes of God. That's solely a human thing. Forgiveness is what He requires of us. There's simply no way around it. 

#WhatIKnowforSure If you do your part, He will definitely do His. When being convicted of unforgiveness over and over again and   trying to reason with God as to why I couldn't and shouldn't forgive certain people, He simply replied "YOU FORGIVE THEM, LEAVE THE CORRECTING UP TO ME!"

Friday, February 8, 2013

21 Days to a Better YOU!

So what are the chances of you...
(1) making a decision
(2) putting it into action, and

(3) seeing the fruits of your labor?

Hhhmmm...just try it and see what happens. Take a few days to figure out one thing that really needs to change in your life in order to propel you forward. Only choose one, for now. If you are anything like me, more than that may overwhelm you, especially in the beginning. Take this weekend to reflect. Pick a start date between Monday February 11 and Wednesday February 13. Make EVERY effort to put into practice the thing(s) that will allow you to see significant changes in your life at the of the 21 days.

It doesn't really matter what it is...quitting smoking, eating better, exercising, organizing your home/work space, ending procrastination, etc. And don't worry, the steps don't have to be anything drastic or major. Our motto here is "start small, finish STRONG!

Keep a daily journal of what you've done that day and what you plan to do tomorrow. Reflect on your feelings and how you are beginning to grow. Be sure to do this regularly so that you won't leave out any important details.

At the end of the 21 days, depending on your start date, send me an email improvingthehumanexperience@gmail.com sharing your progress. You can also check back here as well as the IHE Facebook page for daily encouragement and support. And if you need me before you 21 days are up, I am available.

I am praying and believing for your progress. I'M EXCITED!

WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE~In order to see changes, you've got to make changes. NOTHING JUST HAPPENS!

Yet a Work in Progress

A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a wise woman of God about reconstructing and expanding my social media sites (especially my blog). I was thinking that I needed to adopt a more "professional" look. She quickly pointed out to me that God has enough professionals. What's needed is people who've gone through some stuff, have experienced the power of God in their lives, and are willing to share their journey in the truth of who they are. So that's were Improving the Human Experience comes in.

I am not as regular with the blog posts as I would like to be, but I realize that my truth can't be forced. I write as the Spirit leads and many times I struggle with what I am lead to share. But I've learned that this  isn't about me, so obedient I remain. Here I am to share, learn, and grow. Yesterday I received some wonderful words of encouragement from a former schoolmate. I am so appreciative mainly because I was in the middle of having a "woe is me" moment. I'd spent all day working on something that didn't quite turn out how I wanted it to. Today's a new day and the mission is never impossible.
Before I close let me send a great big shout out to Stephanie Brand Pierce and everyone else who follows and reads my blog, Facebook posts, and tweets. I am delighted that you stopped by but please leave a comment a two. Also become a follower, they are very special to me just as my Facebook friends are. I'd love to know how my words have inspired and encouraged you to make it through storms and live your best lives. Questions as well as suggestions as to how I can be of better service to you on your journey are welcomed. That is my primary reason for sharing.

As always, I wish you all the PEACE your hearts can hold. Have a good one my loves!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

MOVING TOWARDS MY LIFE'S PURPOSE, DREAMS, & VISION~Many of you know the journey I've been on for the last five years or so. I'll be the first to tell you that it doesn't take anything major to get you moving in the direction of fulfilling your dreams. EVERY ACTION COUNTS, whether big or small. Although they can happen, you can’t just sit around waiting on some miraculous event to take place.  

I read something earlier pertaining to asking God for things such as strength, wisdom, prosperity, courage, love, and favor. We only receive these things through situations, circumstances, and doing the work that leads to the desired results. Because I can’t and refuse to conform to mediocrity, I asked God to make me who He created me to be (which entails me possessing the aforementioned qualities) and I believe almost completely losing my eyesight was what it took to get me where I need to be. Yes, it seems a bit extreme to me also, but God has His reasons.

Even though I asked God for His will for my life, it took me a while to realize what this “eye situation” was all about. I spent months in depression, sulking, feeling sorry for myself, and being mad at God and everyone else. But as soon as I got out of my feelings (and yes, I do tend to slip back from time to time) I began to do what was within my power to move forward. When I could barely see my hand in front of my face, I began to get out and walk. After having to be taken or guided everywhere for a while, I had become afraid to go out alone. I had no depth perception, so I couldn’t tell the distance of a car when I was trying to cross the street. I had to stand there for a while and just stare at the street so that my eye could focus on color and the image of a car. I had to listen carefully for the sound to determine the distance of a car, then I’d just run across as fast as I could. It’s funny thinking back, but I had to do what needed to be done. My life depended on it!

Some years later, I’m still dealing with this “eye situation” which I believe is almost over, praise God. And guess what, no big miracle has taken place. What has happened is that I’ve begun to move forward. I get up daily with the idea in mind “what step(s) will I take to move towards my dreams today?” Getting my body back in shape is paramount, so I start with a healthy breakfast (very small step), I go to the gym at least five days a week. I read, write, and I’m constantly in communication with the Holy Spirit, who continues to guide me on this journey. “What am I missing Lord? What would You have me to do today so that You may continue to be glorified in my life?”

I've also decided that I want a career change. I've always loved words and writing but now it’s become my passion. Facebook, blogs, and other media outlets have allowed me to see how my words, as well as the words of others, can truly change lives. Stephanie R Howard will become a household name throughout the country and maybe the world. My story will inspire others to move past their fears and live a life filled with hope, destiny, and purpose. It is also my dream to reenter the field of copy editing and freelance writing as well as becoming a social media manager and published author. So I've begun to make connections and educate myself on things current. Knowledge applied is power!

ENCOURAGEMENT 101~whoever you are, whatever you are going through, don’t allow your life to pass you by. Hopelessness is a facade! As long as you are still alive, there’s always an opportunity to make a difference. Go to God! He’ll give you what you need to obtain the life of your dreams. Start small so that you may finish strong. WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE~I haven’t always had perfect eyesight, but I've always been a woman with vision. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

You can only live the life you spiritually, mentally, and physically prepare yourself for! No one can do it for you and you can't have anyone else's life. Do the work! Destiny is waiting!

Guide my eyes so that I may see the beauty in all that You've created.

Guide my tongue so that I may speak only life and blessings over my life 
as well as others.
Guide my feet so that I may continue to walk boldly into my prepared destiny.
Guide my mind so that I may remain fervent and focused on the tasks You've set before me.
Guide my hands so that everything I touch You have called blessed.
Guide my life so that I'm a continuous representation of the LOVE, GRACE, & MERCY You've shown to me. 
