Thursday, December 25, 2008

How will they know, if you don't "tell" them?

As parents, you are your child's initial teacher of everything, from tying his/her shoes, to managing money, to respecting self and others. It should never be taken for granted that children can distinguish between right and wrong. The old adage, "do as I say and not as I do", really doesn't work. Believe me. While growing up, I often heard "a child should stay in a child's place." Well that doesn't work either, especially if the child doesn't know his/her place. Many times I've made decisions based on what I "saw" my parent/guardian "do" as opposed to what was "explained" or "taught", and was later punished or ridiculed for doing so.

I spent my teen years and much of my adult life trying to figure things out. I do realize that many things have to be experienced, but as parents/guardians, it's your responsibility to teach your children. Don't wait until high school and think that the teacher, counselor, principal, etc. is suppose to do in nine months what you've neglected to do in 14 years.

Begin to think about how you can be a better parent. If we don't begin to do something now, "the world won't get no better." This is the information age at its best. Read some books, take some classes, do whatever you need to do to raise positive, productive human beings who have healthy self-esteem and respect for others.

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